Wednesday, June 27, 2007

A Hard Lesson Learned

What would that lesson be you might ask? That lesson would be, Things Not to Put in Your Pee-Hole, learned by my two year old son.

My baby boy loves to be naked (who doesn't!). This particular morning was no different. He was also carrying around a small plastic stick of some sort. It was very small in diameter, (about the size of a two year old pee-hole) and about 12 inches long. Well, he had been playing with this stick like a sword all morning, so when the diaper came off I really didn't think anything about it. Wrong on my part.

He sat in the recliner, settled in to watch Spongebob. I turned my back to walk into the kitchen when I heard an "Ow, Ow, Ow." I wheeled around at the same time thinking, "Oh, please no." Sure enough, he was examining his goods with a very hurt look on his face. Thank God there was no damage done.

I guess in little boys mind it made perfect sense. I think he may need a father-son talk.

1 comment:

Brandon said...

Some things a young man must learn on his own....