Thursday, August 30, 2007

Bring on the Pain

Sarah had to go to the doctor for this today. I only noticed it last night but this morning she said what every mom loves to hear, "Mom, my finger is kinda green." Oh great, now her finger is going to rot off. It's her middle finger too, and I know she will be needing that later in life.

We called the doc and were set to go at 10:45. Sarah loves her doctor. She gets all giddy and excited at the mere mention of his name. I was thinking about how her poor bubble would be burst today because he would probably actually have to hurt her today. You know with shot time he comes in and jokes and laughs and sends the nurse in to do the dirty work so he never has to look like the bad guy. Now that I think about it, he has a pretty good thing going on. I wish I had a substitute to be the bad guy for me. Oh wait, I do, it's my husband! He he.

Meanwhile, back at doctor's office.....we wait and he comes in. Grins, giggles, and hugs. She hops right up on the table, proudly sticks her middle finger up and says, "See my finger? It hurts." He giggles and says "Yep, I bet it does. Let's see if we can fix it."

I had to ask him if I was a horrible parent for not noticing this grotesque thing on her finger and he reassured me it can happen quite quickly.

He comes back a few minutes later. I know what's coming. He is going to have to either cut it or poke it with something and mush all that nasty stuff out of it. I'm mentally preparing myself. I tell her to look at me and we will decide what to have for lunch. As we are discussing lunch he pokes her finger with a needle.

She glares and says "Ow!"

He mushes on it and each times it's a mad "Ow!"

He finishes, she looks at it, gets a pink band-aid, gives him a hug, and hops off the table. I am shocked. He says normally this takes at least two nurses and him to do. I must say, in a way, I'm not surprised.

We were in the van after the visit and I said, "Now, Sarah, you have to wash your hands real good and stop biting your fingernails."

"Why, momma?"

"That's why your finger was hurting. If you don't keep it clean and stop biting your nails we will have to come back to see the doctor and he will have to fix it again."

"Oh goody!"

"Oh God."

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Sarah B

Today was Sarah's first day of preschool. She was so excited. She also found out that her very best friend (our next door neighbor) Jacob was going to be in her class.

Me and Jacob's mom rode together to take them to school. We got there and Sarah screamed "Look, there's my school momma!" My heart sank just a teeny little bit.

Sarah is my independent child. She wants to do everything herself, her way. She has wanted to go to school since her big sister Gracie has been going. She is as fearless as they come. It will be a race between her and Colin as to which one will be my first emergency room visit.

Sarah is very dramatic and matter of fact. She always speaks her mind and pushes limits every chance she gets. To her, whatever she is doing is worth whatever trouble she might get in. Her daddy and I have often joked that Sarah would never be a victim of peer pressure, she would be the pressure getting the other kids into trouble.

I love her spirit. It is wild and true and I love her dearly for this. I guess part of me is not ready to let her go yet, even though she has been ready since birth. I have been trying to keep her close but all she wants to do is go. I still get cuddles and kisses but I cherish them. I can see Sarah when she grows up, being halfway around the world on some adventure, and only getting to see her when she "happens" to be in this part of the country.

For now, I get to read bed time stories, kiss her goodnight, and snuggle under the covers with her.......for now.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

I'll Take Mustard Yellow for $500 Alex

I must warn you before you read. This post is about dirty diapers. If this makes you ill, don't read. I know, you are wondering "Why dirty diapers?" Of all the subjects in the world, "Why?"Because I have a boring life and I want to share my boredom with you.

My little boy Colin is still in diapers. I am living for non-diaper days. Want to know why? I am tired of playing the guessing game. What, may you ask is the guessing game. Well, after your child finishes eating baby food and is eating regular people food you get to do a guessing game when you change the dirty diaper the next day. Not that you have to participate in this, but when you open a nasty, stinking, thinking something died in there diaper, you kinda wonder, "What the Hell did you eat! Especially if it's not the typical brown color.

Yesterday morning for instance. Bright red. My first irrational thought was "Oh my God, he is bleeding, he has cancer." Then my rational side remembered we had Sloppy Joe's for supper. Tomato sauce, red, you get the game now.

My favorite is Lucky Charms poop. This is always a bright green. I don't know why the green clovers prevail over the yellow moon, or blue diamonds. Go figure. Ha ha, blue poop. The closest he came to that was the diaper after eating purple play-dough. Play dough was banned from my house after that.

Another one worth note is strawberries. No, not the red but the little seeds that their tummies can't digest. You open that diaper and think you have a colony of bugs in there. Always a bit scary for a second or two.

One more thing and then I swear, not another word about poop. Well, maybe I'll have to post when he finally poops in the potty. Boredom people, boredom.

Boy's poop smells a hundred times worse than girls. You can smell my son's dirty diapers from space. Call me crazy, but I swear there is something in a male's stomach that digests differently than a female. You will know if you are blessed enough to have a boy and a girl.

Now that you know I have absolutely nothing else going on in my life, have a good day.

Borrowed Meme

Got this from Liz. As if you needed any more useless info about me.

Hi, my name is:
but u can call me: Amanda (by my friends), Mandie (by my family), Fuzzy (by my husband), Momma (by the kids)
Never in my life have I: been out of the United States
The one person who can drive me nuts is: A three way tie goes to my children
My high school was: Southaven High School
When I’m nervous: my stomach hurts and I get diarrhea
The last song I listened to was: Gwen Stefani: 4am
If I were to get married right now, my maid of honor would be: Amy, an undeniable true friend
My hair is: brown, in desperate need of a root touch up
When I was 4: It was 1979, sorry that's all I got. My memory sucks.
Last Christmas: We got our 8 year a 22 rifle. You would have though she won the lottery!
I should be: more patient
When I look down I see: My boobs.
The happiest recent event was: My husband got a SWEET bonus at work. Woo Hoo, shopping!
If I were a character on ‘Friends’ I’d be: Ross
By this time next year: I hope to have lost about 50 pounds
My current gripe is: The heat! I gotta agree with Liz on this one.
I have a hard time understanding: Math. If not for my husband I would have never passed it in high school
If I won an award, the first person I would tell would be: My husband
I want to buy: a new floor for my den.
If you visited the place I was born: You wouldn't be driving far from where I live now. I still live like twenty minutes from the house I was born in.
Where do you plan to visit: New York city
If you spent the night at my house: Expect to be woken up at 6:00 am
The world could do without: selfishness
Most recent thing I’ve bought myself: a Dr. Pepper
Most recent thing someone else bought me: Probably flowers, from when I was in the hospital
Out of my friends, my favorite blonde is: Rachel
My favorite brunette is: Amy
My favorite black hair is: Tonna
My favorite red head is: Don't know any
My middle name is: Oh, this a tough one for me. I don't think I will tell
In the morning I: fix breakfast, get Gracie off to school, wake up my husband, load the dishwasher, watch an episode of Spongebob or two, change a diaper or two
Last night I was: Depends on what time last night. One part I was watching Simpson's, the other part, well..........
The most important thing to me: is my family
If I was an animal I’d be a: sloth
A better name for me would be: Emotional
Tomorrow I am: going to do the same things I did today
Tonight I am: gonna clean a little, chill a little, probably eat too much
My birthday is: October 23

Monday, August 13, 2007


I dropped my Gracie off at her first day of school yesterday. She will be in 3rd grade! A lot of my own memories start at about the 3rd grade. We moved to Southaven that year, I started gymnastics, and I met my very best friend that year also.

As she kissed me goodbye (yes, thank God she still loves me enough to do that) I got a lump in my throat. I remember so very clearly the day she was born, Hell, the day I found out I was pregnant with her. Something about that first child is different. Every memory is so clear and precise. I had never wanted anything more than to have children and raise a family.

She was "Gracie" all through my pregnancy. Everyone kept saying "What if it's a boy? How do you know it's a girl?" I knew. I had never been more sure of anything ever. She was born early but with no complications. Time seemed to speed up after she was born.

We got a video camera when she was about 4 months old. I have never cherished anything more. Those videos I have of her and our other children are priceless. That was the best money we ever spent. To hear their little voices, first walks, birthdays, all of it is unbelievable to watch years later.

When she was 3 we had Sarah, then at age 5 we had Colin. She has been a wonderful big sister to them both. She is, more often than not, very patient with them. VERY protective of them. She is fast approaching the age where she needs her space though. I dread the next phase in her life. This pre-teen stage I feel is going to be hard for her. Already she is an extremely emotional child, sensitive might be a better word. I wonder where that could have come from?

I look at her in amazement sometimes. She has this personality that knocks the socks off of you. She is confident, yet slightly reserved at times, but does not embarrass easily at all. This is a girl, who at age 8, can fart on command. Gracie is also stunningly beautiful though. I can see her years from now in a beauty contest, but before she goes strutting on stage, letting one rip. She loves to sing, and will sing for anyone, anywhere. She also has such a tender heart toward people. I am so proud of her.

I remember when she was just a baby looking at her, wondering how she would look when she got older. What her voice would sound like, her personality. I know she has a lot of growing to do, and in the grand scheme of things 3rd grade is not really a major milestone. I guess I'm just overly emotional right now.

I can't wait to pick her up and find out how her first day went. Hopefully well, with no major upsets.

In a couple of weeks I will be taking Sarah to her first day of preschool. Get ready for another sappy post.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

What a Weekend

Started off on Saturday going swimming with the children, Crystal, Liz, and Stephanie (Sorry Stephanie, if you have a blog, and I knew the name, I would link you too!) I had a blast, even though it felt like we were in Hell, it was so freakin hot!

There was hilarious drama that went on. Short version, Liz told a loafing father to pay attention to his daughter. She had been jumping in the pool on top of other kids, on purpose, and when that didn't get Daddy's attention, she threw a small plastic table in the pool. There was cussing, by Liz and the father, yelling by, Liz and the father, and cheering, by the other parents that someone finally told the father to pay attention. Quite a show indeed.

Colin jumped right into a swim ring and grabbed onto any stranger who would have him. Normally, he sticks his toe in and then is ready to get out. The people at the pool were very gracious, and by the end of the afternoon were all taking turns playing with him. His smile is one you can't refuse.

Sarah jumped right in, without a swim ring, and was practically swimming by herself. She is my fearless one. I caught her at one point fixing to dive right into the 7 foot part of the pool. She just couldn't understand why I would not let her go in.

Gracie spent her time with Virginia, under the water exploring with goggles on, when she wasn't flipping off the side of the pool. That is until Virginia discovered there were lots of bugs in the water you couldn't necessarily see if you didn't have goggles. She does not like bugs.

After an afternoon of swimming, my family and I went to Crystal's for dinner. It was fabulous. She grilled steak, burgers, and brats. This was just stuff she had lying around in the freezer, go figure.

It was a little odd being at her house. Imagine you have read this wonderful book and then you are able to go to the place where this book was set and meet the people in the book. As I was sitting at her house, it was like being in this "fictitious" place that I had only read about. Meeting her husband, her kids, the dogs, it was great.

Sunday.....nothing. Oh well.

Oh, I almost forgot, I got a bag full of Blogher stuff from Crystal. Not lame stuff either. A huge pen, a notebook, a couple of condoms, some motion lotion, and of course, one of the infamous pink dildos. My next post could be interesting.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

A Day Off Work (Not the Good Kind)

I am home today with my children, one of whom is sick. The baby boy is running a fever of undetermined origin. Which simply put means, "No tummy ache, head ache, ear ache, new teeth, sore throat, or anything else I can come up with." He is acting ok, but he is hotter than a firecracker.

The day started at about 6:00 am. My dear little boy woke me up wanting apple juice. I obliged and we got back in the bed hoping he would fall back asleep. I knew he was still tired so I put on Tom and Jerry and started to doze back off.

I was awakened about twenty minutes later to the sound of two cats throwing themselves against the bedroom window where I was sleeping. They were hollering and hissing at each other along with the neighborhood roaming dog barking with them.

I am pissed at this point. I run and grab some shorts along with a broom ready to do severe injury to the animals.

Short side note: Normally I am very tolerant of animals. Love them, mostly........My affection for cats left about the time the 5 we have roaming the neighborhood started shitting in my flowerbed.

I fling the door open and the cats scatter. Except for one, who looks at me like, "What are you going to do?" I'll show you, I picked up the first thing I could get my hands on and chunked it at him. I then went after him with the broom. The cats scooted under their owner's garage door to safety. They were peeking out at me, laughing I'm sure, if cats could laugh.

It is then I notice more shit in my flowerbed. Only it isn't just cat shit. The neighbor's dog has decided to follow suit with the cats and use my flowerbed as a toilet. Lovely. I get to scoop all that up because if I don't, I can't sit on my own freaking front porch without it smelling like a litter box.

After my outside adventures, I come in and my son decides he needs to puke up his juice all over the recliner.

It's only 7:00 am.