Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Vacation, Mommy Style

Folks, I am counting down the days until my vacation. This will be a truly monumental day for me. I am going on vacation. Alone. Not with my husband, not with kids, not even with a friend. All by my lonesome. I know what you are thinking. "What did she have to do to get her husband to go along with this?" Truth is, he is actually encouraging me to go, and even spend money. I love you B!!

This will not be a traditional vacation. It started out as such though. I was going to go to Hot Springs and spend a few days at a spa. I waited too late though and all the hotels and spas were booked solid for quite a few weeks to come. I also got to thinking. I have never spent a night alone, actually alone, in my entire life. I went straight from my parents house to marriage. Brandon didn't have a job that required travel until after we had kids.

I also didn't really like the idea of being in unfamiliar territory by myself. I had visions of driving in circles for hours looking for my hotel after a run to Wal-Mart for some Dr. Pepper and lots of salty and sweet treats. Having to call Brandon from 3 hours away crying because I was lost was not an image I was crazy about. What can I say, I like familiar and safe.

In light of all that, I decided to check out local spas. I found one, with a hotel right down the street from it. It offers all the things that the spas in Hot Springs offered and I wouldn't be out of element so to speak. I will check in on a Friday, after Brandon gets home from work (unless I can talk someone into babysitting until he gets home), go to the spa on Saturday, spend another night in the hotel, and come home Sunday.

It's been a very needed weekend for a very long time. I hope to come back in a better frame of mind, a little more relaxed, and ready to tackle daily life again.

1 comment:

SpeakerTweaker said...


Go. Have fun. Have no responsibilities.

I hope you enjoy every moment of it.
