Monday, March 17, 2008

My Weekend Vacation

Well, it came and went so very quickly. I had my spa vacation this weekend. I went here, and it was fabulous.

I started my weekend at about 3:30 on Friday afternoon. My dear mother-in-law came to watch the kids until Brandon came home so I could leave early. I had to drive to his work to swap vehicles so he would have the mom taxi for the weekend.

I checked into the hotel and it was like an out of body experience. Was I really doing this? Was this really happening? I didn't know what to do. Do I shop? Do I drive? Do I sleep? Do I watch dirty movies on HBO? There were none on by the way.

I was truly alone with my thoughts, feelings, my little chocolate donuts, a box of Rosemary and Olive Oil Triscuits and Dr. Pepper. All to myself. No little fingers grabbing at my food. No little voices interrupting me just before I take a bite, saying "Momma, I'm thirsty. Momma, can I have a bite? Momma, I'm hungry. Momma, can I play on the computer? MOMMA MOMMA MOMMA!!!!!"

It is still the season of Lent for us Catholics so no meat on Fridays for another week. My options were limited for dinner. I decided on a cheese pizza and crazy bread from Little Caesar's. It was delicious. I ate in my bed, I watched what I wanted on TV (still no dirty movies), and began to feel myself unwind. I also thought. A lot. It's amazing how much thinking you can do when you aren't interrupted. I mean, I got to actually COMPLETE thoughts. This nearly made my brain overload.

Of course we had storms that night. I was awakened at 4:00 am by the sound of thunder and the brightness of lightning. I flipped on the TV to make sure I wasn't about to be taken to Oz, and tried to doze back off. Wasn't happening. I forced myself to stay in bed til 6 then got up and colored my hair. What else is there to do at 6 am?

My spa appointment was at 9 but it was right down the street from the hotel. I arrived at 8:45 and thus began my spa day.

You arrive, and they direct you into this nice little bathroom with little wooden lockers to put your things in, including your clothes. Yep, they want you nekked in a robe and slippers. It is supposed to make you comfortable while you "enjoy your day at the spa." All fine and good except that when you go into the quiet room to await your treatment, you are sitting there in a robe and slippers with complete strangers. I was constantly readjusting, and grasping at my robe, making sure nothing was hanging out. Not the most relaxing way to start your day. I guess that's why they offered me wine at 9 in the morning.

First the massage. Wow! It wasn't at all what I expected. This woman really knew her stuff. It wasn't so much kneading on me as it was pressure. Her hands were very soft, but strong. She knew exactly the points on my back and neck that needed what kind of pressure. I have never had a professional massage and this was heaven. I would highly recommend it.

On to the facial. Not the best half hour at the spa. She started out rubbing this "scent" (and I use that term loosely) on her hands and asked me to inhale slowly and then breathe out. This shit stunk. It was meant to relax me but all I could think about was "Where is the cat and what corner did he piss in?" It was that bad. Some of the creams were nice, and they did make my face very soft and hydrated. I think I will skip that next time and get an extra half hour on the massage instead.

On to the pedicure. She helped me to pick out my color and then I was lead to a chair that felt more like a throne. I was seated well above her with a little bath to stick my feet in. She began working on my feet. She rubbed and massaged my feet. She took this stone out and rubbed all the rough spots off. My feet were so soft and relaxed. This was awesome, except there happened to be a woman sitting beside me also getting a pedicure and she would not shut the hell up. She talked the entire time I was there. She was one of those that loved to toot her own horn, so to speak. She was an elementary school teacher and let me tell you, she was the BEST school teacher EVER. Her kids behaved the best, and they learned the most, and she taught the best. Blah, blah, blah, blah.

Last but not least, was the manicure. I got life lessons on eating, exercising, pesticides in your food, and a distilled water and sea salt mixture that will make you have the best shit of your entire life. She swore this to me. If you want the specific measurements, please e-mail and I will gladly tell you.

I left the spa that day feeling refreshed, educated, and so very glad I had the experience. I can't wait til next year.

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