Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Catching Up

Well, here I am coming up on 2 months since my last post. I swore to myself when I started this thing that I wouldn't do that. If nothing else I would just post about my everyday life. Nothing major, just something. Maybe not everyday but not once every month.

I started this blog for myself. I wanted to write things about my kids that I didn't want to forget, vent when something made me mad, and tell some things that might make someone smile. I knew that I would never be one of those blogs that attracted hundreds of people but it didn't matter to me. There have been a few people I have "met" through my blog and that is neat to me. I enjoy reading about their lives. A peek into someone else's life is good for a change.

I wish that I could say that "I've been so busy, I haven't had time to write." Truth is, I think I just stopped seeing the little things. The little things that made me want to write in the first place. When you get into a rut like I have been in it is so hard to see happiness in the little things. I never used to have to work at being happy. It has always come very naturally for me. Then it seemed all of the sudden I was having to work at it.

I mean, everyone has times when they are down. I know this. My down time just seemed to be coming more often and lasting longer. I'm tired of it honestly. I could list reason after reason of why I could wallow in anger, bitterness, resentment, any number of negativities. Some of them rightfully so, some not. You know, some times you just want to be mad. You need to be mad. You just can't let it consume you or it will become you. It will become who you are. You have to let things go. Some things you can change in your life and some you can not. So here are a few things I have taken for granted over the past couple of months and a couple things coming up.

My dear, sweet, brother-in-law came for a visit. He lives in Texas and I don't get to see him nearly often enough. He made special arrangements with his work to get to Memphis while on a business trip. His trip was short but he was here. I wish I had told him more how glad I was he came and how much I love him.

I had my 32nd birthday. Some women would not celebrate this fact but I have survived on this earth for another year and that is something to be happy about. I have had a good 32 years so far. I grew up very happy with no major trauma other than a broken arm and a leg. I still have both my parents and I have a happy marriage with beautiful, healthy children. I haven't won the lottery yet, but who knows!

I connected with a new friend. Sounds cheesy, but the two of us have been trying for weeks to get together. We would chat on the phone or email, but we finally were able to coordinate our schedules, go out, and forget about life for a while. Ha, that sounded a bit Billy Joel-ish. We had a fabulous time and talked and talked some more. It's nice when you find someone that listens to you, is interested in your life, however boring it may be. The conversation never dragged and I learned a few things about her and she learned some about me. It's always fascinating to me to get to know people and to share things about yourself.

Halloween! Seeing my kids absolutely crazy in anticipation of darkness. Watching them transform into a princess, a black cat, and a spider witch. Hearing Colin saying with such enthusiasm, "Trick or Treat!" and looking for the next house with a porch light on.

Now, Thanksgiving and Christmas are coming up, my favorite times of the year. I love to eat. I especially love to eat Thanksgiving food. My mom has cooked the same things for Thanksgiving every year as long as I can remember and I anticipate it as much now as I always have. My family isn't exactly getting along right now and I have one sister in Colorado now who won't be coming home this year, so Thanksgiving won't be what it usually is for me this year. I am saddened by this, but that is one of those things I was talking about that you can't change.

I am one of those morons that love seeing Christmas commercials and hearing Christmas music. I get tingly in my stomach when I go into Wal-Mart and see all the decorations and the trees. I love, love, love, love, to go Christmas shopping. Hearing every day, "Momma, what are we getting for Christmas?" "When is Christmas gonna be here?"

I wrap all my Christmas presents. I don't do bags. I put birthday presents in bags, not Christmas. Something about all the tape, scissors, folding, cutting. It gets me delirious with happiness.

Next is New Years. I don't do the party scene. Hell, I can't stay up til midnight but my anniversary is January 1. This year will be number 14. Yes, I was married at 18 and still going strong. Hasn't always been easy but who said it was. We grew up together. I mean, how much do you know at 18. Not nearly as much as you think you do that's for sure. I wouldn't change much. Take out some of the bad maybe. Only some though. Some of the bad has made us better people. I think back and I have known my husband longer than I haven't. We met and started dating in 1990. I was a month shy of my 15th birthday.

So, I see now, I had plenty to write about, do have plenty to write about. As long as I remember why I'm writing. To remember, to rejoice, to bitch, whatever. After all , Roseanne Roseannadanna said it best, "It's Always Something."


Brandon said...

I love you, Fuzzy!

SpeakerTweaker said...

Oh, Mandie. You're getting me choked up!

As if I had no clue. Trust me, sister, I have NEVER felt like you didn't tell me something or make me feel loved or welcome. Remember, this is ME!

Onto other things, though. I get you totally on the anticipation of Crimmus. Especially with the potential events this holiday season;)

I love you, Mandie!!!


Is it sync'd yet? said...

Well that is 2 love yous and a firm x-mas events plan.

I would say that you have people in your life that see you as a very nice, lovable, and all around kick ass person.

I knew I wanted to see you post something. These comments made my day and put a smile on my face.

Cheer up dear your loved.


LBJ said...

You have plenty to write about because there is so much love in you, for your family, for tradition for joy.

It's nice to see.