Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Week One

Ok, so as promised a weekly update to my lifestyle change. I have lost 3 or 4 pounds. Hooray! I say 3 or 4 because I don't have a digital scale and it is hard to tell exactly how much. I know it's not 5 but more than 2. Doesn't matter. That little needle moved down!

This first week was hard. I didn't stick to it every day but then again I'm not on a diet. Normal everyday people eat junk food and that's ok. As long as it isn't every day or all day. For the most part I did really well.

Thanksgiving being tomorrow I am mentally preparing myself to not do so good. Thanksgiving is only once a year and nobody wants to sit around on that day listening to someone say "Oh, I can't, I'm watching what I'm eating." Kind of a buzz kill. Besides, I only eat pecan pie once a year and I'm sooo not giving that up.

Everyone have a good Turkey Day and remember what you have to be thankful for.

1 comment:

Is it sync'd yet? said...

Happy t-day!

Eat it all.
