Monday, August 13, 2007


I dropped my Gracie off at her first day of school yesterday. She will be in 3rd grade! A lot of my own memories start at about the 3rd grade. We moved to Southaven that year, I started gymnastics, and I met my very best friend that year also.

As she kissed me goodbye (yes, thank God she still loves me enough to do that) I got a lump in my throat. I remember so very clearly the day she was born, Hell, the day I found out I was pregnant with her. Something about that first child is different. Every memory is so clear and precise. I had never wanted anything more than to have children and raise a family.

She was "Gracie" all through my pregnancy. Everyone kept saying "What if it's a boy? How do you know it's a girl?" I knew. I had never been more sure of anything ever. She was born early but with no complications. Time seemed to speed up after she was born.

We got a video camera when she was about 4 months old. I have never cherished anything more. Those videos I have of her and our other children are priceless. That was the best money we ever spent. To hear their little voices, first walks, birthdays, all of it is unbelievable to watch years later.

When she was 3 we had Sarah, then at age 5 we had Colin. She has been a wonderful big sister to them both. She is, more often than not, very patient with them. VERY protective of them. She is fast approaching the age where she needs her space though. I dread the next phase in her life. This pre-teen stage I feel is going to be hard for her. Already she is an extremely emotional child, sensitive might be a better word. I wonder where that could have come from?

I look at her in amazement sometimes. She has this personality that knocks the socks off of you. She is confident, yet slightly reserved at times, but does not embarrass easily at all. This is a girl, who at age 8, can fart on command. Gracie is also stunningly beautiful though. I can see her years from now in a beauty contest, but before she goes strutting on stage, letting one rip. She loves to sing, and will sing for anyone, anywhere. She also has such a tender heart toward people. I am so proud of her.

I remember when she was just a baby looking at her, wondering how she would look when she got older. What her voice would sound like, her personality. I know she has a lot of growing to do, and in the grand scheme of things 3rd grade is not really a major milestone. I guess I'm just overly emotional right now.

I can't wait to pick her up and find out how her first day went. Hopefully well, with no major upsets.

In a couple of weeks I will be taking Sarah to her first day of preschool. Get ready for another sappy post.


LBJ said...

My Mom was named Grace, but everyone called her Gracie . so just the name makes me smile.

I was expecting my second child, and it was a girl, whom I was going to name Deborah Grace (for my best friend and my Mom. pr litle D.G. for short (yes. . a pilot term - Brandon will know what it is). Sadly, I didn't carry to term and the name, makes me smile still, but wistfully.

Enjoy every single moment with your precious little ones. You don't know how very lucky you are.

SpeakerTweaker said...

I remember that pregnancy well, and it is true that she was Gracie throughout (I never doubted you;).

I also remember that shortly after the end of that pregnancy I uprooted and turned Texan. And after not getting to see her but every once in awhile, she still is somehow madly in love with her Uncle Tweaker.

She's a sweetheart, and a product of good upbringing.

I miss that little girl...



takinchances said...

I loved this post. My mom has always called me Gracie, although clearly it's no where near my name. And I've always thought if I ever have a daughter, I'd name her Gracie.