Thursday, February 21, 2008

Little Soldier Boy

So, it's been longer this time than last and I won't go into boring details. I have set a short goal. I am going to attempt to blog every day for 2 weeks. I was going to scrap the whole blog thing but at my husband's insistence I have decided to give it another go. I will start this thing off with one of the funniest, if not THE funniest things I have ever written about. I hope I can put it into words clearly enough to convey, but if not, I'm sorry for my lack of talent. It was still damn funny.

My dear, only, son Colin is now 3. We have just recently, about a month ago, gotten rid of diapers and are now wearing "big boy underwear." Funny, I say "we". Mom's do that a lot. We tend to take some credit for all our children's feats. "We" learned to ride a bike, "we" ate all our veggies at supper today, "we" cleaned our room today. I say "we" until he does something horribly bad then it's all on him. No shared blame then, he gets hung out to dry.

Anyways, back to the story. Since he has graduated to underwear it has provided him with much better access to his, umm, happy place shall we say. Now, I am no prude and I know that little boys will grab themselves whenever, and wherever possible. I try to ignore it and tell him not to do it in public. I, however was not prepared for what happens when he actually gets really happy playing with it.

He was in the chair playing with the Leapster, proudly sporting his new tidy whities, and I noticed that the game stopped making it's usual blips and bleeps. I looked over, and there was Colin, with his little soldier at full attention. I was mortified as he had the biggest grin on his face I have ever seen. He then proceeds to hit it a couple of times, laughing as it stayed put. My husband noticed what was going on and I swear I thought he would have a heart attack for laughing so hard. Oh, did I mention that his parents were over at the time? I felt my face burning with embarrassment and I excused myself from the room. At this time I heard some reassuring words from my dear mother-in-law, "Well, at least we know it works!"

1 comment:

SpeakerTweaker said...




WHY did I have to move. I would pay dearly to have been there. Especially to hear MOM's comment (which I would have gladly accepted had you told me it was Dad's).

You can't make this stuff up. That's funny!

Oh, and IT'S ABOUT DAMN TIME WOMAN! And don't you DARE give this thing up, lest I begin to send you harrassing emails, obscene phone calls, and general bad juju.

Love you!
