Friday, January 4, 2008

Happy Anniversary

A little late, but I think it noteworthy to say that my husband and I celebrated our 14th wedding anniversary on January 1.

Not bad for high school sweethearts. I just wish we knew then what we know now. Things might have been easier but then again, learning things the hard way seems to be the best way to not forget.

My husband was and is my first and only love. I have known him now for 17 years. Meeting when I was just 14 years old, I couldn't have imagined what was to come. Knowing someone for that long is an amazing and interesting thing. I can't remember my life before him and I don't want to imagine my life without him. He has given me three beautiful children and a lifetime of memories already. He has been a constant in my life when other things weren't.

Thank you for 14 years of loving me. I love you B.


Is it sync'd yet? said...

Nice. 14 years is not small feat.


takinchances said...

Hey!!! Where are you? What's going on? Blog already. :)

I hope all is well.