Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Day In The Life

Yes, another day lost. I think I might have been unrealistic in my goal of posting every day for two weeks. I mean, lets face it, I don't have that interesting a life. Yesterday was no exception.

2:00 a.m.- Colin wakes wakes up and wants to sleep in the bed with me.

6:45 a.m.- Colin wakes up again and is, of course, immediately hungry.

6:46 a.m. - Colin says, " Can I play Nick Jr.?" I say no. He says "I not your friend anymore."

7:00 a.m. - Feeding the bottomless pit that is my son's stomach. "Can I play Nick Jr.?" No again. "You mean momma."

7:30 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. - Getting the two girls dressed, fed, ready for school.

By 9 I was out the door, headed for the grocery store. With Colin by himself, he is pretty manageable. He doesn't even require the use of the basket anymore. He will walk beside me, only straying occasionally. Unlike Sarah, who will make two laps around Wal-Mart in the span of a minute and a half.

After the grocery store it was more of "Can I play Nick Jr. Can I play crash car game. I not your friend. You mean."

On to lunch with a friend which went rather well. Everyone behaved and ate well. I got them toys out of the little 50 cent machine and Colin decided to throw a fit about the color he got. Not just a little one. He screamed and stomped his foot, the whole routine. I then threw his toy in the trash. He cried a cry I have yet to hear out of him. He was heartbroken. I felt guilty as hell and my friend reminded me that was why they had that cry, to make you feel guilty and cave. That was a hard one. Hopefully, now, he will remember this and next time when I threaten, he will believe me and stop the fit throwing.

I put him to bed for a nap and after he calmed down he crawled up in my lap and said "I like you Momma." When he does this he takes his little hands and puts them on my cheeks and looks directly into my eyes. I melt.

Finally got a call about an appointment for the neurosurgeon. Not looking forward to that appointment. Till next time.....

1 comment:

takinchances said...

I'd say it was all worth it for that one moment.

And way to go being a good parent. We need more of those these days. It's not easy, that's for sure. :)