Monday, July 21, 2008

No More Plate Clean Up

Plate clean up for me is not what you would think. One would assume that as a mom, I am referring to my kids cleaning their plates off when they are done eating. Not so for me. After my kids have eaten I will often snatch a bite or two of whatever is left on their plate then throw the rest in the trash. It's sometimes like a little buffet line. Or sometimes I will pretend I'm at a party and their little primary colored plastic plates are really trays of some fine Hors d'oeuvres.

"Oh, thank you. Yes, I'll have a chicken nugget."

"Why of course. I would love a leftover bite of Hamburger Helper."

"Macaroni and cheese? My favorite!"

Anyways, today selection consisted of frozen pizza. I get the Freschetta four cheese pizza. Let me say that for frozen pizza, this is the best I have had. The crust has garlic butter on it and the entire pizza is covered in cheese. Actually covered. This is not the kind where they just sprinkle a little cheese over the middle and you can still see the sauce underneath.

I hadn't eaten yet and I went to the kitchen to see what I would fix. My kids generally don't eat the crust off their pizza and the crust on this pizza is so very good. I picked Colin's plate, because he had a little cheese left. Bonus!

Big mistake. Colin, as of late, has this thing where he either dunks his food in his drink, or he pours his drink on his plate of food. I have never caught him in the act, but chicken generally does not turn Kool-Aid purple by itself after sitting on a plate.

I of course, in my ravenous state forgot this. I picked up the crust and started munching. "Hmm.... why does this pizza have a very slight sweet taste to it, and, OH MY GOD, he dunked it in his chocolate milk."

When, when will I learn.


By the way, I went to freakin San Francisco this weekend!!! I am still trying to collect my thoughts and get my husband to show me how to post pictures. There is just too much to say about it. Details coming soon.

One little nugget I will share. That picture of Gilda Radner up there on the top, yeah, that's what my hair looked like the entire weekend!

1 comment:

Brandon said...

It's also what your hair looked like in high school.

Heh. Time to break out the scanner....