Friday, September 7, 2007


I have a confession to make. I decided to do this publicly because I knew I wouldn't be able to hide this from husband for long. He reads my blog so he will see this soon enough.

I have an iPod. No, that's not the confession. It's what I put on my iPod. I have bought lots and lots of songs since I was given this amazing gadget, by my husband, ironically. I am addicted to this thing. I think my husband secretly wishes I would lose the thing now. We have gone round and round about the songs I put on it.

You see I love the 80's and every horrible song in that decade. I also love the 50's. This is my mom's fault. I grew up on that music. Love it! Anyways, everytime I buy a song he rolls his eyes. He said jokingly just the other day, and I quote, "If I knew you loved every song I ever hated, I don't think I would have married you." What I just purchased may cause divorce. Mind you, the songs are only .99 but some of my songs I know my husband would pay to have erased from music history. A few examples include:

Cyndi Lauper-basically anything she ever sang
Celine Dion-see Cyndi Lauper
Elton John-Don't get me started on the conversations we have had about him!
Pink-He says only teenagers listen to her

I have secretly loved "Mandy" by Barry Manilow for years. I know, please don't hate. This song came out the year I was born, as well as a Don Williams song "Amanda". I think this is where my name came from as well as my nickname "Mandie". For years I have sighed and rolled my eyes at the mention of the Manilow song. I don't know when I started to like it but I certainly could never admit it. Well, I just spent .99 of our hard earned money on this song. I also bought two other songs but I just don't think he can handle too much at one time.

If he kicks me out you may find me homeless, with my sign saying:

"Please Help, Need Money For iTunes."


Is it sync'd yet? said...

If you ever saw my wife's Itune account you would jump for joy. She, I assure you can not be bested in the amount of songs purchased. It is a sickness.

May I suggest the following.

Bose Ipod SoundDock

It is wonderful!

Amanda said...

Thank you so much for the suggestion. He got me a thingy to hook up to so I can listen through the stereo we have, but I have been hinting at one of those docks.

SpeakerTweaker said...

I won't get to deeply involved with the argument, though Elder Brother would hate me would he to find out I said this...

Pink actually has a KILLER duet with Steven Tyler if you haven't already heard it.

Drop me a line if you haven't. I don't know where it came from, only that it's on the music server at work and it rawks!

Oh, and f*#k Bose (no offense, gnat). If you want a dock, get the Klipsch version. Mo speaka fo less dolla.

We have a saying at work: "No hi's, no low's; must be Bose." Seriously.

My Two Cents.


Is it sync'd yet? said...

No offense taken. It was a gift and has worked out well.

I will look into the other myself.

