Tuesday, August 5, 2008


So I'm looking at my kid's websites for their schools and I see this message on the front page:

Beginning 2008, a medical or dental appointment must have PRIOR APPROVAL of the principal or his/her designee in order to be excused, except in the case of an emergency. Upon returning to school a proper excuse must be presented from the attending physician/dentist.

Please use the form below to let the school know of scheduled medical/dental appointments.

Umm, I don't think so. It is none of their business when, where, and to whom I take my child to see. I certainly do not seek their approval of it.

The whole excused absence thing to me is a joke. See, if my kids have a certain number of unexcused absences I get to go to jail or be fined. Now they want to put that in the hands of an elementary school principal who has a God complex. "Oh, I think Gracie has been to the dentist/doctor enough this year. I don't think I'll approve this visit."

When my kids don't go to school it is no one's business but my own. What are they trying to accomplish here? I"m not a child. I don't ask permission where my kids are concerned. No, they can't keep me from taking my child to the doctor/dentist but they can send me nasty and threatening letters if they miss too much.

This may just be too much. I may have to bite the bullet and teach them at home. This constant interference into mine and my children's lives is almost too much.

1 comment:

SpeakerTweaker said...

You gotta be kidding me.

And to think: there was a small lingering pride I felt in knowing that your kids are/will be attending the very same school I went to starting over 20 years ago (SHIT I'M OLD!!!).

Not anymore. Good feelings gone.

