Friday, July 6, 2007


I was having a fairly good morning as far as mornings go. No major breakfast incidents with the children. Normally I would have already cleaned up 2 spilled juice cups, at least 1 bowl of cereal from the floor, and broken up 5 fights of, "Moooom, he's eating my cereal........Momma, she got more than me.......Mom, he's eating his food and then showing it to everybody again." You get the picture.

Colin, the two year old, did happen to spill his juice, but not an entire cup full as usual. I had reached above the sink to get my bottle of orange scented Pine Sol to wipe the mess up.

Oh, by the way, there just happened to be a bowl of Double Cheeseburger Macaroni Hamburger Helper soaking in the sink from last night. If you happen to be a connoisseur of the famed Hamburger Helper, and you also don't always do your dishes immediately after dinner, you will know it does not smell nice the next morning.

As I went to grab for my bottle it slipped out of my hands and landed, oh yes, right in that nasty bowl of soaking cheese/noodle/hamburger/water. Let me tell you, you would have thought a bomb exploded in that sink. I should have ducked and covered. That water shot 5 feet in the air, as well as out of the sink, all over me. I was covered in that nastiness.

I'm going to bathe now.


Brandon said...
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Brandon said...

That's just nasty, and not the good kind of nasty.

SpeakerTweaker said...

I've learned that anything that was cooked and contained cheese must be dealt with after dinner, or left dry in a (very very) nonstick pan so it cracks apart and falls out of the pan without the odor.

Once after college I left a pot of broccoli and cheese remnants in a pot to soak. A couple of days later after long gigs I finally decided that the apartment would be condemned if the smell wasn't abated.

Eww. Sorry about your oops. Just Ewww.


Is it sync'd yet? said...

I love that stuff, it bullet proof to make, is good the next day sometimes bettter.

But have to agree, it is just past vile if you leave that stuff in the sink. My wife loves to do that and it puts me off the stuff for a good month after.

Ugg...we even have a name for it.

Helper Sludge


Is it sync'd yet? said...

You know I forget how I found this. Wait...I think it had something to do with Dr. Peppers boobs.

